Christ REformed Baptist Fellowship

Historic Faith.  Contemporary Life.

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Thank you for visiting. Below, you will find a brief introduction to Christ Reformed Baptist Fellowship. For a more comprehensive visit, we invite you to explore all of the tabs and sections.

  • Who We Are

    For a brief history and description, go to /about-us/who-we-are

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  • We Are Unique

    To see how we are different, go to /about-us/faq

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  • We Are Reformed

    To understand what Reformed means, go to /about-us/what-is-a-reformed-baptist-church

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  • How To Get Involved

    For ways to connect , go to /connect

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  • The Gospel

    For the Good News of what God has done for us in Christ, go to /the-gospel

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  • Missions

    For information about our mission activities, as well as our partner and sister churches, go to /missions

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  • Our Doctrine

    For our doctrinal statement and our confession (2LBC 1689), go to /about-us/what-we-believe

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  • Our Leadership

    For an introduction to our elders and deacons, go to /about-us/our-leadership

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  • When And Where

    For service times and location, go to /about-us/when-and-where

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  • We're Family Integrated

    We keep families together in worship, service, and fellowship.

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  • We Disciple

    For more information about discipleship classes and catechism, go to /connect/life-courses and /connect/childrens-ministry

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  • We practice the Regulative Principle of Worship

    For more information on our worship, go to


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Did you know?

A few things you might want to know about . . .

easter sunrise service

7:00 am

Join us for a meaningful service celebrating the resurrection in our outdoor picnic area.

Breakfast will follow at 7:45 am

Catechism classes

sundays 5:00-6:00 PM

How well does your child understand their faith?

Would you like to better prepare them for living out their Faith in times like these?  

Join us as we offer classes for children of all ages as they learn the New City Catechism through songs, games, and teaching. 

We use the New City Catechism. It consists of 52 questions and Answers that systematically take our children through the Christian Faith. 

You can find out more details about our catechism classes at /connect/childrens-ministry

and more about the New City Catechism at

1689 Confession for beginners

Sunday's 5:00-6:00 PM

We offer a class for everyone--older children through adults-- a beginner's version of the Second London Confession of 1689, the capstone of all Baptist confessions. Your have a warm invitation to join us.  This class is at the same time as our catechism classes.

Christ. First.

Our church ethos

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.  He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.

Colossians 1:16-18

historic faith

Christ Reformed Baptist Fellowship is a part of a restorative movement to return to the same Scriptural doctrine and practices as our forefathers in the New Testament and the early Baptists coming out of the Protestant Reformation.  We practice the same polity (church government), preach the same Gospel, and hold to the same confession of faith (Second London Baptist Confession of 1689) as the first Baptists in Britain and America. Our polity and confession of faith are also the same as the Baptist churches who formed the Southern Baptist Convention in 1845.  

Our Faith is the Biblical and Historic Faith of Baptists which survived both persecution and prosperity, fueled the great Baptist missionary movement and the passion of missionaries such as William Carey and Lottie Moon, and began the Southern Baptist Convention.

For information about Reformed Baptists, see /about-us/what-is-a-reformed-baptist-church

contemporary life

Our Historic Faith finds it's expression in our Contemporary Lives.  At Christ Reformed Baptist Fellowship, you will find ministries that both glorify God and meet the particular needs of your family.  In a society growing increasingly distant and secular, here you will find a congregation of people rooted in genuine caring, Christian relationships, and committed to helping you give your family a lasting foundation in the Christian Faith.

For ways to connect your family with the CRBF family, see /connect