Our Beliefs

As a Southern Baptist Church, the  beliefs of Christ Reformed Baptist Fellowship are in line with  our fellow Baptists and traditional evangelical churches.  

We affirm:

The Bible is the self-revelation of God, and therefore, is inerrant and sufficient for all we need to know about God, man, and how God brings us into relationship with Himself.

God is a Trinity, one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each person fully and completely God.

Mankind is created in God's image, and therefore,  each person is of immense value, but mankind is also ruined by sin, separated from God, and under His wrath.

Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, the only name by which we must be saved.

The death of Jesus on the Cross atoned for our sins, propitiated God's wrath, and is the well-spring of all the blessings of God.

God fully and completely saves everyone who turns to Christ in faith, repenting of their sins, and as a result lives a life of following Christ.

God calls all believers to become a part of a local church where they can exercise their spiritual gifts, be equipped to minister to the Church and the world, build one another up into the likeness of Christ, and participate in sharing the Gospel with the nations.

As created beings, we live the entirety of our existence in coram deo; before the presence of God.  Our chief end, therefore, is to glorify Him in all things; by living, worshiping, and bringing all parts of our life and church under the authority of His word.

Christ will return personally and physically to gather His Church and bring all things to an end.

We also affirm both the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 as expressions of our Faith.

we are Reforming and confessional

In addition to holding to basic evangelical doctrine, we are also Reformed and confessional.   Reformed doctrine is the theology of the Reformation, summarized in the 5 Solas, or  "5 Alones."  These include Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, and the Glory of God Alone.  Out of the 5 Solas come naturally what are known as the Doctrines of Grace; Total Depravity, Unmerited Election, Effectual Atonement, Initiating Grace, and Perseverance of the Genuine Christian.  

Reformed doctrine is also a comprehensive world-view, recognizing that we live all of life coram deo; in the presence of God.  Therefore, all of life is to be lived for the glory of God.  We affirm that all things are from, through, and ultimately for the glory of God. For a fuller description of a reformed church, see /about-us/what-is-a-reformed-baptist-church

As a fuller explanation of our faith, we hold to the historic Baptist Confession of Faith, The Second London Confession of 1689.

A  modern English version of The  Confession of 1689 can be found here:


What if I'm not Reformed?

We would love to have you.  Christ is first in our name because what ultimately binds us together is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as our only Savior and hope, not an expression of  particular secondary doctrines.  The Reformers used a Latin phrase, Semper Reformada (always reforming), which spoke to the life-long process of understanding God's Word and applying it to our lives and church.  We are all in the process of reforming--growing in the understanding of and obedience to God's Word.  You are welcomed to be a part of Christ Reformed Baptist Fellowship.  It is a place where everyone can attend, follow Christ, develop authentic Christian relationships, and have an opportunity to learn, discuss, and apply Reformed doctrine.  While we do require our elders to ascribe to our church confession, the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689, we do not require that of our members. In other words, we do not have a Reformed theology test to become a member of our fellowship.